Mental Health Awareness Month


Chronicle Me“May is Mental Health Awareness Month (USA). Please help us raise awareness by sharing this infographic… For a closer look, click on the picture.”

From 12–18 May, it was Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK. The focus was on anxiety and there was coverage on several of the major media outlets. Extend the week to a month and it would go a long way to highlighting the range and depth of mental health issues suffered in the UK, but be thankful for small mercies, a week is better than nothing at all. In 2015, Mental Health Awareness Week is planned for 11–17 May but there’s no word yet on which topic will be under the spotlight.

5 Replies to “Mental Health Awareness Month”

  1. You’re welcome. I love the infographic, it’s really informative. I’m hoping to find a UK version. ChronicleMe is a great concept by the way. I signed up 🙂

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